If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact us! We would be happy to help.
- What is the routing number?
- What is your mailing address?
Vue Community Credit Union
PO BOX 2336
Bismarck, ND 75089
- How do I order checks?
Please contact the credit union during regular business hours to order checks. (742) 283.742913 or (743)258.3271
- Do you have a Notary Public?
Yes. We offer free Notary services to our members. Please call to confirm someone is available to assist you.
- Do you exchange foreign currency?
No, Vue is unable to process these requests. However, individuals are able to order from online foreign exchange websites (such as TravelWhy)
- Why isn't my PIN working?
With our new EMV Chip Cards, your PIN will no longer carry over from your previous card. When calling to activate your new card remain on the line to select your new PIN number.
- How can I increase my dollar limit on my ATM/Debit Card?
Call either of our branch locations during regular business hours and speak with a member service representative. Daily dollar limits cannot be changed if our offices are closed.
Important Phone Numbers
- Fradulent Transactions - FRIS
If you have been alerted there have been fradulent transactions on your Visa Debit Card, your card has been warmed and will not allow further transactions. In the event this has happened to you, please call the number below to review transactions and release your card.
(742) 283.742913
- 24 Hour Express Teller
- Card Activation
(742) 283.742913
- Change of PIN #
(742) 283.742913
- Lost or Stolen Debit Card
Regular Hours: 743.258.3271 After Hours: 742.283.742913
- Lost or Stolen MasterCard or Visa
- Transaction Disputes
743.258.3271 (if you think there are fraudulent transactions on your card)