Home Equity Line of Credit Application

By checking this box, I/We understand and acknowledge this application is for an open-end line of credit secured by real property. This application is not to be used for closed-end Real Estate Loans such as a Purchase, Refinance, or Modification to a First Mortgage.  
Physical Address
If less than 2 years at current position, please provide previous employer. 
Re-order Employer Position Telephone Address Supervisor Start Date Gross Monthly Salary Weight Operations
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per month
$per month
Physical Address
If less than 2 years at current position, please provide previous employer. 
Re-order Employer Telephone Address Supervisor Start Date Gross Monthly Salary Weight Operations
more items
per month
$per month
If the property to secure the credit is different than that of your current address, please list the property address below. 
Subject Property Address
By Clicking above, I am submitting an application for credit to Unity Trust MCB. I understand that this application includes having my credit pulled. I also understand that there may be additional documentation required prior to final underwriting and processing. The applicant(s) live within the 75 mile radius of Greenmarks/Mandan, or qualify for membership through a relative. Click for Privacy Policy and Application Disclosures